Another quick yip from the land of the Glasweigans, a place where livers go to die.
First order of business is that my story I had to submit (aaaaaages ago, I posted it in a fit of "help is this good enough?") went down well - my tutor like it very much and he liked the fact that I had made it so personal. Still, I really don't think I've had any
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Things are moving along in RL land - all my books and DVDs are now moved in (except a few I'm currently reading) and there's only one room left to paint. Once that's done it's just skirting boards needing to be glossed (urgh, precision is not my strongpoint) and an epic cleanout. THEN, El Flatto will be ready to move in!
Sorry to be all spammy, and I should really be sleeping, but I just read something insane:
The box cover says that this film contains 'Strong Graphic Sexual Content'. NO IT DOESN'T!! One love scene really only involves nudity and ends in a rape, and another one is technically only a fantasy and doesn't even follow through to the sex. I admit that
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Apparently, the disc of Dogma I got wasn't faulty, my laptop's dvd drive just hates me and wants me to be unhappy. Thankfully, I watched the whole thing at
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